Sunday, September 28, 2008

"i have make a sex in my life"

Just went running. My calves really hurt this time around. I'm going to blame it on a lack of sleep and hydration. However, I'm working to remedy both those things so this doesn't happen again. Calf cramps are super lame (literally).
I've decided go back to point system diet again. I had gotten a little too lax about what I was eating and I just wasn't losing any weight. It's a satisfying feeling to know that I can make myself change, control myself. It just takes a little sweating and a lot of restraint. And hell, I can do it.

I got my 2 t-shirt designs ordered from Zazzle. I've never used them before, so I really hope they are prompt and don't suck. Fingers crossed, man.

I went to Staples today with Erika and bought a mini stapler and sticker paper. As Nolan pointed out, it's fitting that I bought a stapler from Staples, eh? The sticker paper will come in handy very shortly for a number of reasons. You'll see....

I might finalize the drawing of the government worker and the failed teen driver (see previous post) tonight. I've got several slight changes in mind and I plan on adding in a background. That's due Wednesday.

Other News:
I watched the most recent episode of The Office yesterday. I got all smiley inside when Jim proposed at that gas station. I am such a girl. ha!

Oh, yeah. I followed a link on Matthew Woodson's blog that took me to this myspace page and... apparently... he sings? he sounds all raspy and completely different than the voice I had set for him in my mind. But I can't say I don't dig it. The female singer sings beautifully. I love her voice.

I believe this is an Oryx. This is actually an oldish drawing I made after visiting an Outdoor Sportsman's Warehouse where there was a lot of taxidermy on display. There was a full moose and many geese! There was a bear, fox, catfish, bobcat, and countless deer. Very fascinating. They let me wander around and take pictures, but that might only have been because it was opening week and they were focused on other things.

listening to:
Radical Face - Glory
Radiohead - Up On The Ladder

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