Thursday, September 11, 2008

"I'd like to see Ohio one more time before it's gone"

To do list:

make the final changes to the Helpin project by the end of the week. seriously.
buy stamps.
get Word back on my computer.
send computer back to Apple so they can fix its various ailments.
run more.
manage to get my homework done at a more reasonable hour of the day.
get back on a normal human sleeping schedule.
work on 2009 calendar (jesus christ, it's nearly October again)
turn people down when they ask you to do stuff or hang out (because I have no time!)
get over this nagging sickness that has my tonsils.
draw more of those web drawing suggestions that people made.
do the things on this list.
make shorter lists in the future.

my insides feel October, but my skin burns like July.

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