Friday, September 26, 2008

Stellated Octahedron

For those of you who look at this blog hoping to see new art, i apologize. It has fallen to ruin as a portfolio blog. But don't worry, i'll get around to documenting my recent work pretty soon and it'll be way better.


Today was cool. We went to the Walter's Museum for my history of illustration class this morning. But it was far greater than your usual trip to the Walter's. I got taken (with a group of other classmates) into some secret place. There, we were shown incredible manuscripts (like the Koran and several versions of the Book of Hours). It was really enlightening.... har har.

Then I hung out with the Erik and got lots of fruit juice with him. It turned out to be a much better day than i had been expecting.

i also opted not to go to the screenprinting thing at 3 for several reasons.
1) i didn't even get back from the Walter's until 4:30
2) i didn't have my design laid out in a way that could be screenprinted because i dont fully know how to go about that.
3) i would have had to get erika and borrow her screen.
4) if i had to do one more school-related activity this week, i was going to have some sort of stroke.

it's been pouring rain for most of the day. i am very wet and sticky. it's not good.

listening to: Hayden - Dynamite Walls

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