Sunday, March 1, 2009

swamp ophelia

Busy, busy. I've been working as hard as possible, but.... I really bit off more than I could chew this time around. Everyone else is making text heavy books, but mine are almost exclusively vector and hand drawn stuff. Ouch.

Anyway... I'm trying to get my pdf portfolio underway. I spent the first half of the day re-designing, printing, and folding (when necessary) my old pieces to photograph. It's a really tiresome process, but it feels good to be getting this stuff photographed and out of the way.

I dug up this piece from the ole external hardrive and still got a real kick out of it. It's a mini, pocket-sized series of books about time travel and maths. Schrödinger's cat acts as the guide. It's from first semester junior year ... I think.

Other news:
I went running last night in the freezing temps. It was a really terrible idea that ended in me choking on clear slimy stuff in my lungs for 2 hours and having a really wheezy asthma attack that lasted all night. Good intentions, bad outcome. I won't be running in the cold again. My legs were the only thing that didn't hurt!

Listening to:
Indigo Girls - Reunion
Indigo Girls - This Train Revised
Infected Mushroom - Never Ever Land


Darcey Young said...

How did you come up with the concepts for those books? Genius. I want them. I'm kind of in awe

Rachel E Schneider said...

Darcey speaks truly! I want The Maybe Cake! What is a maybe cake? I must know!

Sam Bosma said...

How to be Alive while Dead is amazing amazing amazing.

Ellen Kling said...

Thanks, guys. I eat maybe cake often, Rachel. I think we all do. Sometimes it's bitter, othertimes it tastes kinda like red velvet with cream cheese frosting (great).