Thursday, November 20, 2008

illustration = nutrition

I am illustrating the Bill of Rights. It's gonna be good. GET READY. these are just some of my favorite concept sketches of the ones I've drawn so far.

Compensation for goods
The right to own guns
Search & Seizure!

The red snake/mouse presentation went pretty well. Though, I reallllly wish i'd remembered to bring my digital camera to class to take a picture there. It looked a lot classier on the clean white homosote board than it does on my floor. Oh well...

I promise this is the end of the snake posts!

My scheduling worked out. Also... I met with the head of the illustration department on Wednesday. We talked about a lot of things. The best part is that I received illustration credits for my GFA class, which means..... I HAVE NOW COMPLETED MY ILLUSTRATION CONCENTRATION! YAY!!! It feels like one quiet step closer to graduation.

I don't need to take any more illustration classes since my concentration is done now. At first, this came as a huge relief because it means I don't have to take 18 credits next semester. However, I am very hesitant to drop the illustration class i'm already enrolled in (Illustrated Book) because it's really the only class I am looking forward to next semester. I think I might just take it anyway. Who cares if I wont have time to eat or bathe or sleep? not me. Illustration will replace hygiene, rest, and nutrition!

On an unrelated note:
I AM GOING HOME. My History of Illustration class is going to D.C. tomorrow. We're getting back to Baltimore at 5 (hopefully), then I am running home, grabbing my suitcase (which i should be packing right now), then running down to the light rail to get to BWI airport. I'm exceedingly happy about this.

There's going to be Family, turkey, sugar-covered cranberries, pulverized potatoes, and all kinds of desserts! OH MY! Yes, I plan on coming back a little heavier than when I left.


Sam Bosma said...

Illustrating the Bill of Rights...god damn, what a good idea. I am so insanely jealous I didn't think of it first. God damn.

That snake is amazing, too. God damn.

Nolan said...

I said GOD DAMN!