Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the things i draw next to my notes in class

So. These are some doodles I scanned today. The first two are recent.

This guy happened in Romanticism today while Bob was talking about whiny guys. I was thinking about Ethan Frome and coffee shop dudes.

By the way... I hate you, Edith Wharton.

This Lady and her little dog were drawn while I was at the Peabody Library for my History of Illustration class last Friday. I was thinking about old, stubborn things. Also literal images like...
face + book = Facebook.

The little dog might be the best thing i've ever drawn.

This is Godzilla. He is laying Baltimore to waste. I drew this while in Abnormal Psychology last semester. It was on the 4th floor, so there was a good view of the city out of the windows.

Godzilla looks pretty pissed.
I guess I would be too if i couldn't find a lady-zilla for which to give my lovins.

This is pretty old (from sophomore year). I just stumbled on it while I was looking for some other files. I still like it and it still fully creeps me out.

I figured I'd censor it because it's even more disturbing sans censorship.

I promise I know how to spell consideration. I don't know what was wrong with me at the time.

So I went to Office Depot and I got this sweet mint green bag for $2.00. And I had that little ugly doll key chain already and it seemed to match perfectly. It's great. I feel like a dork for posting this, but good deals make me really excited. So do mint green things!

Listening to:
Magnolia Electric Co. - Hard to Love a Man
Jason Molina - It Costs You Nothing