Friday, September 26, 2008

oh, i forgot...

This is for a voting campaign i am working on in my Brands and Branding class. it might end up not being a very good solution to my problem, but i like the illustration nonetheless.

This is an idea sketch of a drawing i want to do for my Imaging from Culture class. We were supposed to something (anything, really) relating to "coming of age rituals". I decided to focus on the feat of attaining a driver's license. Most people have driver's licenses and pretty much ALL of those people have some harrowing tale to accompany their accomplishment. Basically, i am in love with illustrating, so i've chosen to do every possible assignment in that manner (within the bounds of reason). I plan on collecting stories from people about their driver's test and the entire ordeal. Once those tales are gathered, i may illustrate them as spots in a theoretical magazine. This piece above would probably be the art immediately before a relating article.

portfolio building! YEAH!

This is a collagey card i made for a friend over the summer to thank her for taking care of me when i broke my eye socket. inside the card, it says in giant letters: "WHAT ARE THE ODDS?"
i thought it was rather fitting and amusing considering what happened, so i figured i'd post it on here! because... i mean.... what are the odds?


goooooood girl said...

i like......

aa said...

All paintings are good...
The card you have made for your friend is superb. I like your blog...
