Friday, April 23, 2010

the days are just packed

Hello all.
I've moved into an apartment! And I've been painting again! Large paintings! Scantily clad women with light seafoam skin and strange striped jumpers doing unfathomable acrobatics. If that sounds familiar, it is because it's the second painting like this i've done (the first was in 2008). I plan on painting lots of these in different compositions, color variations, and canvas sizes. No more painting on paper. I'm steppin' up my game, people. Since I work full time and don't consider myself a total shut-in, progress is rather slow. I'm hoping to use the next 2 years to build a small collection of my spare time paintings. Then, there will be a show. Hopefully, people will purchase these paintings and put them in their homes.

Since we don't have internet at the apt yet, pics will have to wait for now. In addition to that problem, I also have to send my computer in for repairs. The optical drive needs replaced.... sigh.

These are progress images from the first painting I mentioned earlier from back in '08:

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